report from the march

Just back from the march. Many many Argentines walking, chanting, dancing and remembering. Pictures of those missing and killed were everywhere, and again, I was struck by how young the majority were. From the banners were identified organisations involved human rights work and those who had lost members during the 'dirty war' - universities, hospitals, media, political parties, trade unions, women's groups, indigenous rights groups, gay and lesbian organization, churches and many others.

the indigenous flag

Florencia, one of the 30,000 people disappeared and murdered


members of the press holding up the names of journalists killed during the dictatorship


Anonymous said…
I stumbled onto your blog looking for a dance I experienced in Parque Rivadavia when I was living in Caballito. I thought maybe you knew the name, the drummers stand at the front of lines of people and the lines of people follow people with whistles in various acrobatic dance moves. I have heard that it was capoeiria, but it doesn't look the same. Do you know what it is called? I loved reading your blog, it brought back so many wonderful memories, chasing buses, friendship day, mediolunas and fuesforitas(spelling). dos besos
Rachel said…
Hi and thanks for your comment. Sorry, I haven't seen the dance you mentioned, but I'll look out for it. best wishes, rachel

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