
Showing posts from 2007

a new star in the stable

advent 4: trusting ourselves

advent 3: courage!

the shopocalypse

advent 2: keep hoping

advent 1: seek peace

martin fierro

life is rubbish

white poppy for peace

then comes the blossom

not good enough

tod@s l@s sant@s

la noche de las brujas

icecream - the people's choice

getting the poor down from the cross

feminist theology blogs

teologanda and rajab conferences

leaving Jesus behind

san telmo colours

Cátedra Carnahan 2007: Ivone Gebara 3

Cátedra Carnahan 2007: Ivone Gebara 2

Cátedra Carnahan 2007: Ivone Gebara 1

Conference: Género Economía Violencia - day 3

Conference: Género Economía Violencia - day 2

Conference: Género Economía Violencia - day 1

a handful of theology blogs

theology and literature

imago Dei

feliz primavera

the way home (2002)

el fulgor argentino

in a shock development...

barrio coreano

update from Peru - responses to the earthquake


more busy

peruvian earthquake

tales from Salta, and the road.

colours of salta