Semana Santa: Friday

The local churches of Flores organised a ecumenical gathering in the plaza for this afternoon. It was good to meet with people from the Catholic, Arminean, Pentecostal, Baptist, Anglican, and Methodist congregations in the area. An ecumenical choir sang and various people offered reflections as we stood in the sunshine.
They compelled a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus.

Mark 15.21

As one speaker reminded us, Simon came in from the country to the city. People from the country, or campo, the campesinos, he said, were most likely poor people. Like Simon, many poor people have made the journey from the fields to the streets of the city in Latin America. While still dazed by the speed and noise of city, they are vulnerable to expolitation. Migrants, he said, are still forced to carry the burden of labour for the established residents. Migrants take on the work others do not want, for a wage few would consider. As in Jerusalem, so in Flores, Wolverhampton, and many cities around the world. Those arriving from fields or far countries, face exploitation and danger. But he said, it is they that Jesus walks alongside.

Two links about supporting immigrants, and also refugees and asylum seekers:

Immigration Advisory Service

Enabling Christians in Serving Refuguees


Anonymous said…
Hi Rachel

Nice to know that the witness was in sunshine. There was a march of witness in Salisbury organised by Churches Together but it was drizzling so we all got wet which probably explains why there were so many of us in for Sarum College for lunch.
Rachel said…
Hi Sarum person!

Good to hear of Salisbury events - even in the rain.

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