teologanda and rajab conferences

Teologanda runs courses and publishes work by a group of predominantly Roman Catholic women theologians here in Buenos Aires. I took a intensive course with them last year and loved both the set readings and the group dynamic. Many of the other women on the course where a little older and wiser than me, with years of pastoral experience to reflection on. They had traveled from all over Argentina and beyond to take the course. We talked real talk - grounded in our own and others' experiences. We were honest about the struggles facing women in the church. We listened with interest and insight to each other. We prayed together, drank coffee and mate, and watched a couple of films. It was a great course.

Teologanda are planning a major conference in March 2008 in Buenos Aires. It's not too late to come along!

Primer Congreso de Teólogas Latinoamericanas y Alemanas del 25 al 27 de marzo de 2008, en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad del Salvador – Área San Miguel, Pcia. de Buenos Aires. La temática propuesta: “ Biografías, Instituciones y Ciudadanía. Teología y sociedad desde la perspectiva de las mujeres ”

This Saturday just gone, I went over to the other side of the city to attend a preparatory workshop for women wanting to present papers at the conference. We had a great few hours - talking through our ideas, listening to others helpful suggestions, and working in smaller interest groups. So I was able to discuss my proposal with Monica, a psychotherapist specializing in domestic violence issues and planning to present some theological reflections on the language women use to talk about domestic violence. Feminist theology at its best - working creatively and collaboratively.

Secondly, notice of a conference at the end of November on women, migration and the Bible. It looks great - as does the website, with lots of links to follow up. More information: http://memoriademujeres.wordpress.com/convocatoria memoriademujeres@yahoo.com.ar

XII Encuentro Nacional de Lectura Popular de la Biblia desde las Mujeres, Bs.As. 30 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre.

Para este año la propuesta será dialogar desde la diversidad de culturas, identidades, memorias, sabidurias y cosmovisiones que nos atraviesan cotidianamente, tanto en lo personal como en lo social y comunitario.

Los movimientos migratorios, tanto internos como externos, los del pasado y los del presente, van poniendo en evidencia estas diversidades. En medio de conflictividades y desarraigos, sin embargo, nuestras ciudades se van transformando en un entramado de encuentros y desencuentros que nos desafían como mujeres a esclarecer la mirada para descubrir las potencialidades latentes y germinales.

La fe y la esperanza nos convocan desde nuestras propias Tradiciones y Textos Sagrados a continuar abriendo senderos de vida y plenitud. Deseamos, pues, habilitar un dialogo profundo desde esos lugares donde nutrimos las diversas espiritualidades y misticas que sostienen nuestras sabidurias de mujeres.


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