From the Shores of Silence. Conversations in Feminist Practical Theology
These are the kind of conversations you want to keep having.
That take place in the midst of an ever-growing community of faith, learning and commitment to justice.
That weave together memories and moments from this place and others.
That grow richer and deeper with each new contribution.
That hold the everyday: lockdowns, fall-downs, uprisings, sorrows and celebrations. Ever changing, never changing.
Cover image: Of Water and Spirit by Jan Richardson
A companion piece to Nicola Slee (2020), Fragments for Fractured Times. What Feminist Practical Theology Brings to the Table, London: SCM Press
And here we all are: Nicola Slee, Rachel Starr, Ash Cocksworth, Stephen Burns (with colleague, Paul Nzacahayo) last summer, celebrating Nicola's Abba Amma. Improvisations on the Lord's Prayer.